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All posts tagged joy

Communicating joy isn’t difficult. It can be as easy as sending a positive message about yourself or someone else. Consider the apostle John’s comment, “I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in truth.” John received joy as a result of hearing a good report about others. Read more
No one likes a complainer. That also goes for anyone who is negative, judgmental, condescending… the list could go on and on. Knowing this, you and I must be careful about what and how we communicate so that others are not offended. The advent of instant messaging and social media makes what you communicate immediately accessible without any reconsideration; it is also available to a wider audience. Read more
In today’s culture, there’s plenty of emphasis on happiness. A common message communicated these days is, “If it makes you happy, go for it!” Unfortunately, that advice rarely results in anything more than a state of temporary pleasure Read more