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All posts tagged light

Have you ever entered a darkened room and searched along the wall for a light switch? How did you feel as you searched for the switch in darkness? You probably had an oppressive fear that you would run into something, trip and fall, or even worse… When you finally find the switch and the light comes on, that feeling disappears Read more

READ: John 8:31-36 CONSIDER: How does the truth that Jesus speaks about set you free? What is a prerequisite to knowing the truth that Jesus spoke about? What does being a disciple of Jesus Christ mean? Can you be a disciple? If so, how?

READ: 2 Timothy 1:6-11 CONSIDER: What have you received from God as a result of the light of the gospel? How can you use what God has given you through the light and truth of Jesus Christ? How is God’s purpose and grace demonstrated through Jesus Christ?

READ: Acts 26:12-28 CONSIDER: In Paul’s account of his testimony to King Agrippa, what does he see at midday on the road to Damascus? What was the purpose of Jesus’ death and resurrection that Paul conveyed to King Agrippa? How has the light of Jesus Christ changed your life?

READ: John 3:16-21 CONSIDER: Why did Jesus come into the world? According to this passage, which is more attractive to most people, darkness or light? What do you think Jesus meant by saying that “he that doeth truth cometh to the light?”