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The words of Christ provide characteristics of the greatest love of all – a love that is demonstrated by laying down one’s life for another (John 15:13). Jesus went beyond words and demonstrated that great love through His actions when He laid His life down, dying on the cross, so that He could redeem those He loved. Read more

This is Love

Categories: Devotional
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“What is love and will I ever find it?” I suppose that this is a question many of us have asked at some point in our youth as we search for the perfect answer that satisfies our longing for love. The apostle John provides an answer here: Love is walking (living, demonstrating, acting) in a way that satisfies God’s Truth. Read more
There is no better place to be than under the banner that bears the name Jesus Christ, the bearer of God’s love for you. His love is one that completes, comforts, confides and constrains you to love as He does. If you need strength to stand, call to Jesus because His love gives you boldness. Read more
God is love and He loves you. He loves you with a purpose – to save you from your sin and restore you to Him. He places His love in you for a purpose – to love others with His love and lead them to Him. To do that, you must trust in God’s love and live His love through Jesus. Read more

Love in Action

Categories: Devotional
Comments: No
One of the great indications that you love someone is that you give to them. Giving is an act of compassion and generosity that places your focus on the one you love and not on yourself. When you choose to give, even when it may not be easy to give, you provide a demonstration of God’s love to others. Read more

READ: 1 John 2:7-11 KEY THOUGHT: Jesus gave a commandment to his disciples that applies to you today: “A new commandment I give unto you, that ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another” (). The apostle John recalls that commandment in his letter. He informs you that the commandment may seem new, Read more