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All posts tagged obedience

Pleasing God should be one of your prime objectives. In fact, God’s Word says in Revelation 4:11 that you were created for God’s pleasure. When you set out to please God, you give Him honor and glory by keeping God’s commandments and doing the things that Jesus spoke about. That starts with believing on Jesus’ name. Read more
One of the first things a child learns is that obedience pleases their parents. That lesson applies to a child of God as well. Just as your disobedience displeases your earthly parents, your disobedience to God’s Word displeases God, your Heavenly Father. What motivates you to obey and please God is the same thing that motivates you to obey your earthly parents – love. Read more
How do people know that you are a Christian? Is it because you tell them that you are a Christian or because the recognize you as a Christian by the way you live? The apostle John makes it clear that being a Christian means that you will be recognized by your actions. Read more
God’s message contains truth. Truth brings you knowledge of God’s will. That knowledge prevents ignorance and helps you to stand fast in the grace of God. But it doesn’t end there. The apostle Peter instructs that you are to grow in grace and in knowledge – specifically the knowledge of Jesus Christ. Read more
The Bible is specific about your duty to submit and obey authority, including the authority given to mothers and fathers. Yet, authority is often challenged by those who choose not to be obedient. It's quite likely that parental authority is challenged more than any other authority. In fact, many Christian teens daily challenge their parents’ authority Read more