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All posts tagged philippians

It’s easy to get caught up in day-to-day circumstances and let the storms of life cause you to focus on the wrong things. When that happens, you tend to be anxious, impatient, discontent and, in many cases, downright miserable. Read more
In today’s culture, there’s plenty of emphasis on happiness. A common message communicated these days is, “If it makes you happy, go for it!” Unfortunately, that advice rarely results in anything more than a state of temporary pleasure Read more

July 16, 2012: Philippians 3:1-14 Notes: In chapter 3 off Paul’s letter to the Philippians, he provides a brief view into his past as a Jewish leader.  In a remarkable transformation, only possible through the power of Jesus Christ, Paul goes from an expert Jew who persecuted the early Christian church to a church planter, missionary, and staunch evangelist.  This Read more