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All posts tagged revival

Despite our best intentions, sometimes we find ourselves in places we never expect. We make choices that seem to make sense and we depend on those choices to lead us to a destination that’s better than where we are now. Sometimes, the result is a destination that brings more trials, more heartache and more disappointment than the place we left. We become homesick. Read more
Sometimes you might hear the term “revival” mentioned at church and then just brush it off thinking that it probably applies to someone else, but not to you. After all, you’re a pretty good Christian, right? You have the talk and the walk. You know the verses and the hymns. You participate in both the praise and the worship. If someone ever challenges you to take a step of revival, you mentally reply with something like this, “What? Me need revival? Not!” Well, that might be true, but for most Christians, revival is a necessary step that’s periodically needed to help them grow more like Christ. Read more
It doesn't take much for us as a nation to get caught up in the political melodrama of national elections, constitutional challenges, and dark government conspiracies. A social media post here, a catchy phrase there, and the viral theme of "real change is needed" rises like a tsunami wave sweeping across the landscape of our nation. Read more

Introduction Have you ever missed someone knocking on your door? Whether because you didn’t hear it, were too busy, or just intentionally ignored it, how would you feel if you discovered that you missed out on something special at the door? One of the strongest calls to revival to the church is given by Jesus in His revelation delivered to the Apostle John through supernatural Read more