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All posts tagged standards

No one ever said that being a Christian would be easy. In fact, being a Christian, or a “little Christ,” can be quite difficult. As one who claims the name of Christ, God has called you to a higher standard or goal for your life. Although your salvation doesn’t depend on meeting that high standard, it’s important to realize its impact on your witness for Christ. Read more
To stay true to a calling means that you consistently meet the requirements and expectations of what God has called you to do. That is especially important for the leaders in the church. I recall a quote that’s been attributed to John Maxwell (a Christian leadership specialist) that says, “Everything rises and falls on leadership.” While some may argue the point, I believe it’s especially true in the church. Read more

1 Timothy 3:1-7  Notes: As Paul outlines the roles of various church members, he now addresses the qualifications of those in leadership roles, beginning with the overseer, bishop, shepherd, or pastor of the church.  Paul provides Timothy specific requirements regarding the qualifications of the leader of the church: The Office The Standards The Testimony