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All posts tagged testimony

No one ever said that being a Christian would be easy. In fact, being a Christian, or a “little Christ,” can be quite difficult. As one who claims the name of Christ, God has called you to a higher standard or goal for your life. Although your salvation doesn’t depend on meeting that high standard, it’s important to realize its impact on your witness for Christ. Read more
How do you defend your faith? To defend your faith you need to have proof. You need to be able to testify. You need to be a witness. Peter writes about his eyewitness account of Jesus Christ. He says that it is not a fable but is truth. You may not have an eyewitness account to share, but you have the witness of the Holy Spirit. Read more
Sometimes you might suffer for wrongdoing. Sometimes you may suffer for righteousness sake. In any case, you should be prepared to suffer. Suffering for being a Christian through persecution from the world should be expected and endured for the sake of Jesus Christ. Read more
Satan tries to use the devices of this world to put fear in your heart and to hinder your witness for Jesus Christ. But if you have trusted in Jesus Christ for salvation, you are now a member of the family of God. As a child of God, He has not given you a spirit of fear. Read more

READ: Acts 26:12-28 CONSIDER: In Paul’s account of his testimony to King Agrippa, what does he see at midday on the road to Damascus? What was the purpose of Jesus’ death and resurrection that Paul conveyed to King Agrippa? How has the light of Jesus Christ changed your life?