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10 Characteristics of a Radical Youth Ministry

10 Characteristics of a Radical Youth Ministry

T-shirts are great.  Slogans and logos give some identity.  But what is it that really makes a radical youth ministry? Here are 10 fundamental characteristics that make a Youth Ministry stand out from the crowd…

  • Leaders whose number 1 concern is for the eternal destination of their teens
  • Teens and leaders with hearts that belong to Jesus Christ
  • Teens and leaders that use their strength for Jesus Christ
  • Teens and leaders with minds focused on Jesus Christ
  • Leaders without boundaries who give it all – 24/7/365 Leadership
  • Leaders who recognize opportunity in challenges
  • Leaders who pray with power for and with their teens
  • Leaders who, by example, teach their teens to press on in spite of circumstances
  • Leaders who, by example, teach their teens to give beyond measure
  • Leaders who, by example, teach their teens to reach out in love
…and there are more.  But these are the 10 that come immediately to mind.

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