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Who needs a hero?

Who needs a hero?

Being a Teenager isn’t easy. And for Christian teens these days, things can be quite difficult. The temptations and snares that faced previous generations of teens are amplified in today’s wireless and socially-connected culture. Things that Satan would subtly use to trip up teens in the past are pervasive and outwardly aggressive in their attack on teens. Through the internet, mobile technology, and day-to-day interactions, the dangers that our teens face are not only real, they also are more accessible than ever before.

As youth leaders, adults that care about teens, we shouldn’t be surprised that, with so much danger and hazard facing teens, there is a need for a real-life superhero – someone to rescue teens and keep them safe. In a recent study of Biblical Heroes with teens in my Sunday School ministry, we had the opportunity to look at examples of heroes throughout the Bible who performed extraordinary feats to rescue God’s people and serve God in mighty ways.

But teens saw those as examples from the past. Teens are now asking, “Who’s my hero today? Who can I count on to rescue me when times get tough?” They seek answers to the challenges they face every day at school, work and even at home or in the church. Where will they find those answers? As youth leaders, we’d like to think that we can provide those answers and be the “superhero” that teens need. But the role of the youth leader is not to be the hero. It is to “lead” teens to the real Superhero – the single most powerful Hero, the One who lives today just as He has for eternity. In fact, He is the One who has supernatural powers that are unmatched. That Superhero is Jesus Christ.

In the gospel of John, Jesus tells us of His heroic love and all that He performs for us:

John 15:9-14 (KJV)

9  As the Father hath loved me, so have I loved you: continue ye in my love.
10  If ye keep my commandments, ye shall abide in my love; even as I have kept my Father’s commandments, and abide in his love.
11  These things have I spoken unto you, that my joy might remain in you, and that your joy might be full.
12  This is my commandment, That ye love one another, as I have loved you.
13  Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.
14  Ye are my friends, if ye do whatsoever I command you.

If you’re reading this as a youth leader, keep in mind that you can connect your teens to Jesus and He will be the Hero they need. That connection comes through the gospel. It comes through a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Remember, with Jesus, nothing is impossible and your teens can be more than conquerors in Him. Sometimes, we as leaders forget that Jesus gives the power. It’s not our flashy programs, dynamic talks or clever activities that make the difference. Sure, all of that can be a tool. But the heroic, life-changing power is in the gospel. Let’s use it!

Keep this in mind as you bring teens to the Hero of life through the gospel… Jesus goes beyond being a Hero and a Savior, although that in itself is more than enough. He becomes a friend. He’s a friend who not only will save teens from their sins, but He sticks around through thick and thin. He’s ready and more than powerful enough to rescue teens from the dangers they face every day. He loves teens more than you or I ever could and He proved it once and for all on the cross by paying the ultimate price of love! And He lives today as evidence of His power!

If you’re a teen who’s seeking a hero…

If you are a teen who needs a superhero to intervene and rescue you, and you have never trusted Jesus Christ to save you, why not trust Him today to be your Hero? All you need to do is come to Him honestly, turning from what the world has to offer, ask Him to forgive you and save you and He will do that – once and for always! He will bring you into His family, make a place for you in Heaven, and be your best friend forever- yes, really… He’ll be your Superhero!

If you are a Christian teen and you’ve fallen for some of Satan’s tricks, why don’t you call on Jesus today to rescue you? All you need to do is talk to Him – pray – and seek His forgiveness, love, mercy, and grace… He is faithful and just to intercede with God the Father on your behalf to forgive your sins and cleanse you from all unrighteousness. (1 John 1:9)

We all need a Hero sometimes, a Superhero with abilities far beyond our imaginations. It’s comforting to know that, if you are saved, you have a Savior who loves you, a Hero waiting to rescue you, a Superhero who is able to win every battle and a friend to comfort you whenever you need Him. Trust Jesus. Let Him be your help in times of trouble.


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